Showing posts with label Abiotic & biotic Stress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abiotic & biotic Stress. Show all posts

Monday, 17 June 2024

RNA-Based Vaccine: Sprayable Antiviral Suspension for Plants (By Saurabh and Prashant)

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RNA-Based Vaccine: Sprayable Antiviral Suspension for Plants

(Saurabh and Prashant)


Table of Contents:

·         Introduction

o   Overview of Plant Viral Diseases

o   Importance of Developing Effective Antiviral Measures for Plants

·         RNA-Based Vaccines: A New Frontier

o   Concept and Mechanism of RNA-Based Vaccines

o   Comparison with Traditional Plant Protection Methods

·         Mechanism of Action

o   How RNA-Based Vaccines Work in Plants

o   Interaction with Plant Immune System

o   Benefits over Other Antiviral Methods

·         Advantages and Benefits of dsRNA/RNAi

·         Potential Challenges and Limitations of dsRNA/RNAi RNA Vaccines

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Floral bud distortion (FBD) in soybean (By: Dr. Prashant B. Kale)

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Floral bud distortion (FBD) in soybean

Floral bud distortion in soybean refers to an abnormality or deformity in the development of floral buds in soybean plants (Glycine max). It is characterized by the distortion, malformation, or abortion of flower buds, which can lead to reduced flower production and subsequently affect seed setting and yield. (Easily visible in picture and infographic).

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Table of Contents

    Floral bud distortion (FBD) in soybean 

    Author: Prashant B. Kale (Ph.D.)

    In recent years the occurrence of floral bud distortion is being consistently observed in the central Indian regions. The symptoms recorded do not resemble the documented diseases or disorders of soybean. Therefore, farmers rarely recognize the symptoms and know the plant by different local names.

    Floral bud distortion in soybean can have various causes, including environmental factors, phytoplasmas, viral infections, or hormonal imbalances, and insect involvement. Here are some common factors associated with floral bud distortion in soybean.

    A. Phytoplasma in soybean:

    Nematode Threatens Crops (By: Dr. Prashant B. Kale)

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    Nematode Threatens Crops

    Author: Prashant B. Kale (Ph.D.)

    On our farm, as a farmer, we grow oranges. We have chosen to cultivate brinjal plants in between orange plants to generate additional income. However, we have observed that brinjal plants are showing signs of a root-knot nematode attack. This is being observed in images.

    Table of contents:

    • Background case
    • Nature of loss
    • Integrated management activities:
    A. Crop rotation practice
    B. Soil solarization technique
    C. Biological control by beneficial bacteria and fungi
    D. Predatory insects and nematodes
    E. Cover croping & green manures 
    F. Soil amendments
    G. Soil management practices
    H. Nematicidal chemicals
    • Note

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