Tuesday 11 July 2023

Curcumin in Turmeric: Importance, Factors and Geographical Differences (By: Dr. Prashant and Dr. Ravindra)

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 Curcumin in Turmeric: Importance, Factors and Geographical Differences

Author: Prashant B. Kale (Ph.D.), Dr. Ravindra Satbhai (Ph.D.)


Turmeric, a popular Indian medicinal plant belonging to the Zingiberaceae family, has gained recognition for its numerous health benefits. The rhizome of turmeric, known as Curcuma longa L., is widely used in South East Asian countries for its flavor, color, and spicing properties in food preparations. It is an integral part of traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda, Unani, and Siddha. Turmeric and its active component, curcumin, have garnered considerable attention due to their diverse biological activities. This article explores the variation in curcumin content in turmeric, the factors influencing it, and the geographical differences observed.

1. Importance of Curcumin: Curcumin, derived from the rhizome of Curcuma longa, is a linear diarylheptanoid known for its excellent medicinal properties. It is a small molecular weight polyphenolic compound and one of the primary ingredients in turmeric and curry powders. Curcumin has been reported to exhibit various pharmacological, microbial, and medicinal properties, including antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer effects.

Monday 10 July 2023

Millet: A Powerhouse and Versatile Grain in a Healthy Diet (By: Prachi S. Mahajan)

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Millet: A Powerhouse and Versatile Grain in a Healthy Diet

Author: Prachi S. Mahajan (M.Sc.  Agriculture)

Introduction: In recent years, millet has gained recognition as a nutritional powerhouse and a versatile grain. With its numerous health benefits and diverse culinary applications, millet has become an important component of a balanced diet. Since India is the richest source of biodiversity in millets the Indian Government proposed to celebrate 2023 as the International Year of Millets. Therefore Food and Agriculture Organization and United Nations have recognized 2023 as an International Year of Millets or IYM2023. This is to greater efforts in producing millets given their nutritional properties and resilience in adapting to climate change.

             IYM2023 is a significant global initiative that shines a spotlight on the crucial role of millet in addressing food security challenges around the world. By promoting millet as a sustainable and nutritious food source, this initiative aims to raise awareness about its health benefits, versatility, and potential to combat hunger and malnutrition. The efforts serve as a platform for fostering research, innovation, and policy development to enhance millet production, consumption, and trade globally, contributing to the overall well-being of communities and the achievement of sustainable development goals. Specifically, the importance of millets can be elaborated with the following points:

  1. Nutritional Content: Millet is packed with essential nutrients, including dietary fiber, vitamins (such as niacin, thiamine, and riboflavin), minerals (like iron, magnesium, and phosphorus), and antioxidants. This grain provides a balanced combination of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, ensuring that your body receives a wide spectrum of essential nutrients. From its rich nutrient content to its gluten-free nature, millet offers a range of advantages that make it worth incorporating into our daily meals.

Wednesday 14 June 2023

Top 10 applications of solar pumps, including bird bathtubs and garden fountains (By: P.S. Tupe)

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Top 10 applications of solar pumps, including bird bathtubs and garden fountains
Author: P.S. Tupe (BE ETC)

Solar energy finds applications in various sectors. The versatile application of solar energy across sectors underscores its significance in creating a sustainable and environmentally friendly world.

Here are its top ten applications with DC pumps:

Tuesday 6 June 2023

Floral bud distortion (FBD) in soybean (By: Dr. Prashant B. Kale)

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Floral bud distortion (FBD) in soybean

Floral bud distortion in soybean refers to an abnormality or deformity in the development of floral buds in soybean plants (Glycine max). It is characterized by the distortion, malformation, or abortion of flower buds, which can lead to reduced flower production and subsequently affect seed setting and yield. (Easily visible in picture and infographic).

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Table of Contents

    Floral bud distortion (FBD) in soybean 

    Author: Prashant B. Kale (Ph.D.)

    In recent years the occurrence of floral bud distortion is being consistently observed in the central Indian regions. The symptoms recorded do not resemble the documented diseases or disorders of soybean. Therefore, farmers rarely recognize the symptoms and know the plant by different local names.

    Floral bud distortion in soybean can have various causes, including environmental factors, phytoplasmas, viral infections, or hormonal imbalances, and insect involvement. Here are some common factors associated with floral bud distortion in soybean.

    A. Phytoplasma in soybean:

    Nematode Threatens Crops (By: Dr. Prashant B. Kale)

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    Nematode Threatens Crops

    Author: Prashant B. Kale (Ph.D.)

    On our farm, as a farmer, we grow oranges. We have chosen to cultivate brinjal plants in between orange plants to generate additional income. However, we have observed that brinjal plants are showing signs of a root-knot nematode attack. This is being observed in images.

    Table of contents:

    • Background case
    • Nature of loss
    • Integrated management activities:
    A. Crop rotation practice
    B. Soil solarization technique
    C. Biological control by beneficial bacteria and fungi
    D. Predatory insects and nematodes
    E. Cover croping & green manures 
    F. Soil amendments
    G. Soil management practices
    H. Nematicidal chemicals
    • Note

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