Thursday 19 September 2024

Challenges Faced by Researchers in Crop Improvement

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 Challenges Faced by Researchers in Crop Improvement

I. Complexity of Crop Traits

·         Quantitative traits: Most crop traits, such as yield, disease resistance, and abiotic stress tolerance, are controlled by multiple genes and are influenced by environmental factors. This makes it difficult to identify the specific genes responsible for these traits and to develop effective breeding strategies.

·         Gene-environment interactions: The expression of genes can be influenced by environmental conditions, making it challenging to predict the performance of new varieties in different regions and under varying climatic conditions.

II. Limited Genetic Diversity

·         Narrow genetic base: Many cultivated crops have a narrow genetic base, limiting the genetic variation available for breeding. This can make it difficult to develop new varieties with improved traits.

·         Loss of genetic resources: Genetic erosion due to habitat destruction, climate change, and the adoption of high-yielding but genetically uniform varieties is a major concern.

III. Slow Breeding Cycles

·         Long generation times: Many crops have long generation times, which can slow down the breeding process and limit the number of generations that can be evaluated in a given period.

·         Complex breeding pipelines: Breeding programs often involve multiple steps, such as crossing, selection, and evaluation, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.

IV. Resource Constraints

·         Limited funding: Research in crop improvement is often underfunded, limiting the resources available for conducting experiments, developing new technologies, and training personnel.

·         Infrastructure limitations: Lack of adequate infrastructure, such as laboratories, greenhouses, and field research stations, can hamper research activities.

V. Ethical and Social Concerns

·         GMO controversy: The development and use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is often met with public resistance and ethical concerns, which can hinder their adoption.

·         Intellectual property rights: The protection of intellectual property rights can be a complex issue, particularly when it comes to sharing genetic resources and commercializing new crop varieties.

Problems and Present Status of Crop Improvement in India


Other factors 

I. Biotic Stress

  • Diseases:
    • Viral diseases (e.g., rice tungro, wheat rust)
    • Bacterial diseases (e.g., bacterial blight of rice, black rot of cotton)
    • Fungal diseases (e.g., powdery mildew, late blight of potato)
  • Pests:
    • Insect pests (e.g., armyworm, bollworm)
    • Nematodes (e.g., root-knot nematode, cyst nematode)
    • Rodents (e.g., rats, mice)
  • Weeds:
    • Grassy weeds (e.g., barnyard grass, crabgrass)
    • Broadleaf weeds (e.g., pigweed, purslane)

II. Abiotic Stress

  • Drought:
    • Water scarcity in arid and semi-arid regions
    • Low rainfall and uneven distribution
  • Salinity:
    • Salt accumulation in soils due to irrigation practices and poor drainage
  • Temperature Extremes:
    • Heat stress during summer
    • Frost and cold stress during winter

III. Soil Fertility and Nutrient Deficiencies

  • Nutrient deficiencies:
    • Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients (e.g., zinc, iron)
  • Soil degradation:
    • Erosion, compaction, and loss of organic matter

IV. Post-Harvest Losses

  • Physical losses:
    • Damage during harvesting, transportation, and storage
  • Biological losses:
    • Spoilage due to pests, diseases, and improper storage
  • Chemical losses:
    • Contamination with aflatoxins, mycotoxins, and other harmful substances

V. Socioeconomic Challenges

  • Small and marginal landholdings:
    • Limited access to resources and technology
  • Lack of infrastructure:
    • Poor irrigation facilities, roads, and markets
  • Limited access to credit and markets:
    • Financial constraints for farmers
  • Lack of awareness and adoption of improved technologies:
    • Resistance to new practices and varieties

VI. Policy and Institutional Challenges

  • Outdated agricultural policies:
    • Need for policies that promote sustainable agriculture and farmer empowerment
  • Inefficient public institutions:
    • Lack of coordination and accountability among government agencies
  • Limited investment in agricultural research and development:
    • Insufficient funding for research and extension activities.


Monday 22 July 2024

Vector Borne Diseases, Public Health Risks and Mitigation Strategies (Ed. Dr. Prashant Kale)

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 Vector Borne Diseases, Public Health Risks and Mitigation Strategies

(Ed. Dr. Prashant Kale)

Mosquito-borne diseases pose significant public health risks worldwide, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. These diseases are transmitted to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes, and they can lead to severe health outcomes, including death.

In addition to posing significant risks to human health, mosquito and fly-borne diseases also impact domestic animals, exacerbating public health and economic burdens. Mosquitoes can transmit heartworm disease (Dirofilaria immitis) in dogs, causing severe cardiovascular issues that can be fatal if untreated. Flies, particularly biting flies such as stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) and tsetse flies (Glossina spp.), are vectors for diseases like bovine trypanosomiasis (Nagana) and African horse sickness, affecting cattle and equines, respectively. These diseases lead to reduced productivity, weight loss, and in severe cases, death, impacting livestock health and agricultural economies. Effective vector control, vaccination, and animal health surveillance are crucial in mitigating these risks and protecting both human and animal populations from the deleterious effects of mosquito and fly-borne diseases.

Below is an elaborate look at the public health risks associated with mosquito-borne diseases:

Major Mosquito-Borne Diseases

  1. Malaria:
    • Caused by: Plasmodium parasites, transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes.

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Management of Domestic Vectors of Human Pathogens in India (Ed. Dr. Prashant Kale)

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  Management of Domestic Vectors of Human Pathogens in India

(Ed. Dr. Prashant Kale)

Vector-borne diseases pose significant public health challenges in India, with domestic vectors playing a crucial role in transmitting various pathogens. Effectively managing these vectors is essential to mitigate disease transmission and protect public health. This article explores the strategies, challenges, and initiatives in managing domestic vectors of human pathogens in India.

1. Introduction

India is home to a diverse array of vector-borne diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, chikungunya, Japanese encephalitis, lymphatic filariasis, and visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar). These diseases are primarily transmitted by mosquitoes, flies, ticks, and other domestic vectors. The management of these vectors involves integrated approaches that encompass surveillance, vector control measures, community engagement, and research initiatives.

2. Major Domestic Vectors

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Climate Change: Understanding, Effects, and Individual Efforts for a Better Climate Condition [By Ms. Tanaya Rajeev Gajbhiye, (B.Tech. Biotechnology)]

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Climate Change: Understanding, Effects, and Individual Efforts for a Better Climate Condition

Ms. Tanaya Rajeev Gajbhiye, (B.Tech. Biotechnology)

 The temperature in India has been skyrocketing for a decade now. Growing up during the early 2000s, I thoroughly enjoyed the summer season. The warm weather, ice- creams and staying up late are what made me really look forward for the summer vacations. However, the lovely happy summer has now turned into something unbearable since the last few years due to the tremendous rise in the temperature.

India has been experiencing constant heat waves and the temperature in places like Delhi has gone as high as 52.1°C. Everybody needs to ask themselves, why is this happening? who is responsible for these immense rises in temperature levels?  What are the repercussions if this keeps going on? and the most important question what can” I “do to help the situation? The reason behind this all is “climate change”.

What is Climate change?

First and foremost, we need to understand what climate change actually means; According to the United Nations, Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns.

Such shifts can be natural, due to changes in the sun’s activity or large volcanic eruptions. But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.


Monday 17 June 2024

RNA-Based Vaccine: Sprayable Antiviral Suspension for Plants (By Saurabh and Prashant)

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RNA-Based Vaccine: Sprayable Antiviral Suspension for Plants

(Saurabh and Prashant)


Table of Contents:

·         Introduction

o   Overview of Plant Viral Diseases

o   Importance of Developing Effective Antiviral Measures for Plants

·         RNA-Based Vaccines: A New Frontier

o   Concept and Mechanism of RNA-Based Vaccines

o   Comparison with Traditional Plant Protection Methods

·         Mechanism of Action

o   How RNA-Based Vaccines Work in Plants

o   Interaction with Plant Immune System

o   Benefits over Other Antiviral Methods

·         Advantages and Benefits of dsRNA/RNAi

·         Potential Challenges and Limitations of dsRNA/RNAi RNA Vaccines

Sunday 19 May 2024

Skill based short courses related to agriculture and biotechnology

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 List of skill based short courses related to agriculture and biotechnology:

1. Organic Farming Techniques: Focus on organic crop production, soil health, and sustainable farming practices.

2. Precision Agriculture: Training in the use of technology for crop management, including GPS, drones, and data analysis.

3. Hydroponics and Aquaponics: Courses on soilless farming methods and integrated fish and plant farming systems.

4. Miniature Gardening: Techniques for creating and maintaining small-scale gardens, including container gardening and terrariums.

Friday 1 March 2024

Success Story of NutriCapsules: An Innovative breakthrough (by PB Kale)

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Success Story of NutriCapsules: An Innovative Breakthrough in Plant Nutrition and Hydration (By Dr. Prashant B Kale)


A team of visionary biotechnology students from VNGCAB, Yavatmal designed NutriCapsules to revolutionize plant care by offering an eco-friendly and controlled method for delivering nutrients and water to plants. These capsules, engineered for gradual/ sustain water release along with nutrients vitamins plant growth regulators. This minimize the risk of abiotic stress, ensuring plants receive optimal nutrition and hydration. The solution not only enhances plants resilience but also reduced water wastage, marking a significant advancement for sustainable agriculture.

The innovative product has shown impressive results in lab trials, contributing to healthier, faster-growing plants while conserving resources.

Key Highlights:

- Controlled Release: Capsules slowly release water and nutrients to support plant growth consistently.

- Eco-friendly: Reduces the need for excessive watering, minimizing environmental impact.

- Field Success: Applied in various agricultural trials with remarkable improvement in plant health and yield.

- Innovation by Students: Created by the students of the Biotechnology department, demonstrating the application of academic research to real-world problems.

Here’s a detailed procedure for preparing NutriCapsules:

  1. Preparation of CaCl₂ Solution: Dissolve calcium chloride (CaCl₂) in water to make a 0.1 M solution.
  2. Alginate-Nutrient Mixture: Prepare sodium alginate solution by adding water and chosen plant nutrients. Adjust nutrient amounts based on plant requirements. Stir until it becomes a thick, uniform solution.
  3. Capsule Formation: Dip an ice cube into the alginate solution 2-3 times, coating it evenly.
  4. Calcium Gelation: Immediately transfer the coated ice cube into the CaCl₂ solution for 5-10 minutes. The alginate will react with Ca²⁺ ions, forming a solid outer layer.
  5. Capsule Quality Check: Inspect the NutriCapsules. Ensure nutrients are not leaking; if they are, discard the faulty capsules.
  6. Final Check: Test capsules for controlled release and consistency before application.

Relevance to climate resilience: 

India faces increasing challenges from climate change, including erratic rainfall, rising temperatures, and water scarcity, all of which threaten traditional farming and gardening practices. Climate-resilient plants that are water- and nutrient-use efficient are essential for sustainable agriculture in these conditions. These plants are better equipped to handle extreme weather, reduce dependency on limited water resources, and optimize nutrient uptake, thereby promoting growth in resource-poor environments. Developing such plants is crucial to ensuring food security, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable horticulture in India’s ever-changing climate.

NutriCapsules can significantly enhance home gardening by:

  1. Controlled Watering: Ensures a consistent and slow release of water, reducing the risk of over- or under-watering plants.
  2. Nutrient Efficiency: Provides plants with a steady supply of essential nutrients, reducing the need for frequent fertilization.
  3. Water Conservation: Ideal for water-scarce regions, as it minimizes water wastage.
  4. Reduced Stress on Plants: Prevents abiotic stress, promoting healthy plant growth.
  5. Low Maintenance: Simplifies gardening, making it easier for hobbyists to maintain healthy plants with minimal effort.

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